Essais et Chapitres de Livres

“Of Marabouts, Acrobats, and Auteurs: Framing the Global Popular in Moumen Smihi’s World Cinema.” Forthcoming, Cultural Critique.

“Spaces of dispossession: experiments with the real in contemporary Algerian cinema.” Histories of Arab Documentary, edited by Viola Shafik. Cairo: University of Cairo Press. (forthcoming).

14.3 Seconds: Politics, Art and the Archival Imagination,” Visual Anthropology 29, no. 3 (2016): 211-228.

“Vernacular Modernism, Film Culture, and Moroccan Short film and Documentary.”  Framework 56, no. 2 (2015): 388-413.

“After Effects.” In “Militarism: a mini-forum.”  Society & Space.  Online.  Sept. 25, 2012.

“Moumen Smihi’s Tanjawi/Tangérois/Tangerian Cinema.” “Not, not Arab,” special issue of Third Text, ed. Walid Sadek. 117 (2012): 443-454.

“Contested Spaces: Kamal Aljafari’s Transnational Palestinian Films”, in A Companion to German Cinema, ed. Andrea Mensch and Terri Ginsberg. Oxford, Blackwell, 2012. 218-48.

“From the Interior: Space, Time, and Queer Discursivity in Kamal Aljafari’s The Roof.” In The Cinema of Me: The Self and Subjectivity in First Person Documentary Film, ed. Alisa Lebow. London: Wallflower, 2012. 96-115.

“Playing Empire: Settler Masculinities, Adventure, and Merian C. Cooper’s The Four Feathers (US, 1929).” Screening the Past 26 (2010). Online.

“The Flotsam and Jetsam of Film History: Hei Tiki and Postcolonial Translations.” journal of visual culture 6.2 (2007): 247-53.

“The Australian Western, or, a Settler Colonial Cinema par excellence.” Cinema Journal 46.4 (2007): 68-95.